a monthly newsletter with product updates, usages statistics, and a scripture that's been on my mind
January 2025 Type the Word Hey Reader, Hope your year is going well so far! This past month 52 people signed up, the biggest influx of people in any month so far, and Type the Word reached 120,000 verses typed milestone. That's nearly four Bibles worth of verses! 🤯 Great work everyone! January Updates The Retypeability Update The Problem: TTW's UX for indicating what you have typed worked well for your first time through, but lacked a way to reset your progression for retyping through...
December 2024 Type the Word Hello again Reader, Since my last email in October we have almost typed an entire Bible worth of verses, and in total this year, 97446 verses have been typed. When I created TTW last fall, I would have never guessed that it would be used this much. My prayer is that God speaks to you as you type his word and fills you with hope. December Updates In the October update, I talked about three things in TTW's future: Tracking speed and accuracy statistics Enabling...
October 2024 Type the Word Hey there Reader, This month, we crossed 70,000 verses typed on TTW, which means we have typed the Bible over two times! Great work everyone! October Updates In October, I mainly fixed bugs and interacted with all of you to figure out what is next for TTW. There are three main feature requests on my mind right now: Tracking Speed and Accuracy statistics Enabling custom color themes And adding more translations like NLT and CSB Speed and Accuracy My original goal...